Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Teaser Tuesday

Hello, gentle readers! I have learned far too much in the last ten years to tempt fate, but I find myself cautiously optimistic about living in the world. Witness a third blog post in less than six weeks :)

With the happy news this week of my first royalty check from Random House--and with my mind and heart thoroughly involved in revisions for my 2018 release--I thought I'd share a bit from that upcoming book. It's not Tudor. But I do love it. Enjoy!!!

     Laughter, tears, joy, sorrow, love, hatred, birth, and death—every beat of every Gallagher heart resounded in the stone and wood and plaster of the castle, so that those sensitive to such things could feel the thrum of centuries through their bodies. Any animals brought into the house as pets must needs learn to live with the echoes, or be driven out. The castle knew her own, and jealously kept their secrets.
     Secrets in the Tudor hall that housed spinet and lute and harp. Secrets in the Norman keep, its spiral stones steps worn by thousands of feet over the centuries. Secrets in the Regency study, soaked in its aura of patriarchal privilege.
    And, above all, secrets in the library, with its soaring walls and stained glass windows, the Gothic fan vaulting poised loftily above the thousands of books in their bays. Books in glass cases, books on open shelves, books and manuscripts and journals and maps stored in great Renaissance coffers.
     The library had secrets aplenty to reveal . . . to those who knew how to look.

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